It is the largest Arab global economic gathering aimed at economic, investment and financial development


Together we united - We became one hand, one pulse, and one power

Let's set out to the world to achieve economic goals

Definition of the international economic lobby

  • It is an international relations network.
  • Economic grouping has no political consequence.
  • It is a forum for exchanging ideas and cultures to build economic relations, commercial partnerships and local and international investments.
  • It is one of the largest economic groupings in the Arab world and the world in terms of accession * The largest number of women and businessmen around the world.
  • The International Economic Lobby works to serve society and its economy on various levels and trends that serve common interests.
  • It works to support, develop and move the economic wheel in the Arab world, wherever it is found in the world.
  • The lobby does not differentiate between religions or sects and deals with people according to their morals and the growth of their ideas and competencies.
  • The International Economic Lobby attracts individuals, owners of companies, institutions, factories, investors, and self-employed people.

Objectives of the International Economic Lobby

  • Supporting the economy and trade
  • Bringing investments and establishing commercial partnerships between members
  • Supporting and developing the agricultural, tourism and environmental industrial sectors
  • Work to establish partnerships between joiners and other investors
  • Launching a women's group that works to support women, children and human rights
  • To support, encourage, motivate and develop emerging businesses
  • Activating the investment and economic movement across the Arab and international countries
  • Organizing exhibitions, forums, events, seminars, courses and various workshops
  •  Communicating with decision makers and officials and securing investment and economic opportunities

The lobby is for everyone

  • It is an initiative we launched to serve as an intellectual and economic renaissance where it became possible
  • Everyone join and work under the name Arab World Economic Lobby lost
  • We united the goals to grow our homeland, and everyone could join the lobby
  • Everyone who wants to form a club of 13 will be the boss of this
  • The club operates under the name of the Arab World Economic Lobby and targets
  • High for everyone who joins the lobby is: to benefit from the network of international relations
  • Owned by the lobby - support the economy - trade exchange brought investments
  • Establishing commercial partnerships between members - supporting and developing industrial sectors
  • Agricultural, tourism and environmental work to establish partnerships between the joiners
  • And other investors - establishing a women's caucus that works to support women and children
  • And human rights.

Benefits of joining the lobby

  • Participation in conferences, seminars and exhibitions organized by the lobby around the world
  • Opening doors for you to meet with economic decision-makers around the world
  • Inform you of the most prominent investment and commercial projects offered around the world
  • Communicating with the pioneers of all oil sectors, logistical transport and others
  • Participate in discussions and brainstorms and opinions in international economic sessions

Why should join the lobby?

  • Because it is not supported or calculated on any political party
  • Because it works to support and develop the global Lebanese Arab economy
  • Because it has no patronage and includes all sects and religions
  • Because it works successfully within its available capabilities
  • Because it is not funded by any party or party and its self-financing
  • Because he is the one who will make change and hope for many
  • Because it offers a lot of services and features for free
  • It helps others to reach their goals
  • Because it supports the international economy in various fields
  • Because he has the largest network of relationships at the highest levels
  • Because it is a symbol of the Arab world economy
  • Because it supports all ambition and supports it to achieve its hopes

Lobby Fund

  • It was established to enable the lobby to continue its course and to cover its administrative expenses
  • This fund is funded by the contributions of members and associates and through their donations
  • Concerts - activities - conferences - exhibitions held by the lobby throughout the year in various parts of the world
  • This fund is also the main support for women, businessmen and owners of commercial, investment, industrial and real estate projects
  • The role of members, women and businessmen is to support this fund through the projects they contract with through the lobby and provide an annual percentage in support of the fund