You can now register to the Lobby through our website in 3 simple steps.

1. Click on this link
2. Pick your Membership
3. Pay Online

After finishing your payment, we will contact you to the email/mobile given in the form.

Clubs and International Economic Lobby Affiliation Fees

  • Silver Membership (500$) - General Club: includes all social groups, all specializations, free professions and those registered within the Silver category.
  • Gold Membership (1,000$) - Merchants Club: includes companies, merchants and investors around the world registered in the gold category.
  • Diamond Membership (5,000$) - High Club: includes holding companies, investors, and internationally known personalities registered in the diamond category.
    • The High Club includes politicians, diplomats, spiritual references, holders of high and prominent positions in society and holders of honorary membership, and this membership is granted by decision of the lobby to those who contributed to the development of areas of interest to the association or provided them with financial or moral services
  • Clubs Around the World: Every thirteen people are established and accreditation is issued through the main center.


Each member of the gold or diamond category gets a special gift box for the category to which it is affiliated provided by the International Economic Lobby with a certificate and an official card.

Diamond Membership Benefits

  • Take advantage of the international relations network that the lobby has built over the years and forging partnerships and international trade and investment projects.
  • He has the right to represent the lobby at the invited meetings and conferences.
  • Holding a party that includes elite members of the lobby to hand over membership and announce its accession and publicize its work.
  • He has the right to offer and market his own projects to all companies and institutions registered in the lobby inside and outside Lebanon
  • The diamond subscriber will receive an elite club logo in addition to obtaining a distinguished subscription card.
  • He is introduced to him and the group he joined and his company in all councils and meetings organized by the lobby in Lebanon and abroad.
  • Opening doors for him to meet the economic decision-makers around the world.
  • Participation in conferences, seminars and exhibitions organized by the lobby around the world and get all the benefits during the participation ٬ Stay in five-star hotels and transfers to and from the airport الثنائية Bilateral meetings in the vip business forum.
  • Accrediting his company exclusively and pumping all deals.
  • A definition of him and his work has been published on the lobby's official website, the lobby's social media pages, and the amount of the amount provided to support the lobby fund.
  • Honoring him during the annual dinner party and giving him the platform to speak about his company and his experience in the Arab world economic lobby while giving him an honorary shield for his career.
  • Adding it to the Elite Club, which includes all companies and institutions of the same class that serve his interests and standing.
  • Free membership in the Lebanese-Chinese Business Council.
  • His company is registered in the Arab joint production market, which deals with export and marketing across Arab countries and the world for free.
  • Obtaining the membership of the Lebanese-Chinese Business Council
  • Obtaining membership in the Arab Common Production Market
  • Obtaining membership in the International Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Investment

Gold Membership Benefits

  • The Gold member gets the Merchant Club logo and membership card.
  • He has the right to offer his own projects to all members of the lobby in Lebanon and abroad
  • Opening doors for him to meet the economic decision-makers.
  • Informing him of the most prominent investment and commercial projects offered in the Arab world.
  • He shall be introduced to him, his membership, and his company in the councils and meetings organized by the lobby.
  • Participate in conferences, seminars and exhibitions organized by the lobby around the world and get all the benefits during participation ٬ from staying in five-star hotels, and transfers to and from the airport.
  • Inclusion of the company’s name in the list of companies and joint stock companies with a prominent announcement for a period of six months to support and market their products through the website affiliated to the Arab International Economic Lobby.
  • Securing all companies necessary for his work from all over the world to serve his commercial and professional interests.
  • Adding it to the Merchants Club, which includes all companies and institutions of the same class that serve his interests and standing.
  • Obtaining the membership of the Lebanese-Chinese Business Council
  • Obtaining membership in the International Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Investment

Silver Membership Features

  • Obtaining the logo of the World Economic Lobby.
  • Obtaining an official card issued by the lobby bearing its name, profession, capacity and membership number.
  • Inclusion of his company name on the website of the lobby.
  • His invitation to participate in all activities and public conferences organized by the lobby in Lebanon. A fee of $ 100 is paid for each entry.
  • He is entitled to participate in the international exhibitions organized by the lobby around the world. A fee of $ 100 is paid for each entry.
  • Obtaining residence permits in hotels according to the scheduled exhibition program with breakfast ٬ reception to and from the airport and ensuring internal transportation between the exhibition and the hotel within the participating delegations.
  • Adding you to the General Club to communicate with the rest of the members.

Clubs around the world founded by every 13 people

It is established by thirteen members affiliated with the lobby. The work is carried out under the name and sponsorship of the lobby and according to its regulations and law.

Where each club has a president who works under the name of the International Economic Lobby and in accordance with the approved regulations and conditions.

Benefits for each club through the International Economic Lobby

  • Get a joining card
  • Obtaining the letter of credit for one year
  • Representing the lobby in the country or region in which the club was established
  • Participate in all activities of the chambers of commerce and industry at the club's location
  • Meet the ambassadors and represent the lobby on national holidays and events
  • Visit the relevant ministries at the club’s establishment to activate the economic role
  • Participation in international exhibitions and conferences organized by the lobby around the world
  • Organizing economic seminars and conferences in coordination and cooperation with the lobby
  • Bringing commercial and investment opportunities and submitting them to the lobby for circulation to all affiliates
  • Holding an annual dinner party to honor the effective personalities and collect donations for the lobby box

Credits and memberships are issued as follows

1 - Silver Membership - General Club. The membership card is sent via express mail

2 - Merchants Club - The Gold Membership is delivered during a meeting that includes elite members of the lobby

3 - The High Club - Diamond Membership An official ceremony and membership is held in the presence of women, businessmen and VIPs

4 - Clubs around the world establish every thirteen people from all memberships and clubs A recognition and accreditation is issued from the lobby bearing the name of the club president and the names of the members joining it, after receiving all identification documents for each individual and after receiving the registration fees. Also, membership and affiliation cards are issued. For all individuals and send them via express mail and the club president hand over the joiners.

Rules for joining the International Economic Lobby

The International Economic Lobby is an economic grouping that has the rules that must be respected and adhered to and followed by all who wish to join, so its members must adhere to respect the regulations followed, as this system preserves the rights of associates first and informs them of their rights and duties .

• Commitment, respect for the other, and respect for freedom of opinion.
• Not to speak neither from near nor from far away from politics, religion and sectarianism.
• Participate in activities and programs that members are invited to.
• Submit all documents and identification documents required by the lobby at any time.
• Maintaining the card issued by the International Economic Lobby and not damaging or losing it ٬ In case he wants to obtain a new card, he pays a printing fee of $ 100.
Affiliation fees are a donation to a fund and go to support activities and programs throughout the year, and these fees are not refundable for any reason .

• In the event that any member of the lobby wishes to cancel his participation, he must explain the reasons that led to his withdrawal ٫ If there are valid reasons, the membership will be canceled by a decision issued by the administrative body.
• Every employee has the right to offer special discounts for the other affiliate members, which he determines upon signing the affiliation application, or he can inform them of any offers he wishes to market to circulate them.
All affiliates must adhere to the programs and systems set by the general management of the organization in relation to the programs of international exhibitions and conferences and adhere to them during the participations.


  • So that one can control others to control oneself first.
  • Honesty, honesty and perfection in work are the secret of success.
  • The traitor has no place between us.

All cards issued by the International Economic Lobby have a registered number that can be used by the affiliate via his website to be able to enter his own page and to the members' files and amend his data and his page information. No manager has the right to include any advertisements that do not belong to his company registered with the lobby or to publish incorrect data, otherwise the administration will have the full right to remove it from the site and close its own page.

Any statement or declaration that does not bear the stamp of the lobby is considered invalid and has nothing to do with the lobby, neither from near nor from far and lifts any obligations towards the lobby.

All members must inform the administration in case they do not wish to renew before a month's notice from the expiration of the card and hand over the card to the lobby center, otherwise the affiliate must pay the renewal fees automatically.
In the event of any default, objection or inquiry by the lobby, you can send an email to the administrative body or the complaints department directly for consideration and treatment.


The documents required to join the International Economic Lobby

  • Commercial Letter
  • Passport copy
  • ID photo
  • Fill out the application + seal and signature from the person concerned

Note: All fees that will be collected will be a support and a donation from you to the International Economic Lobby Fund in order to be able to support its economic activities and projects in the Arab world and the world.

You can now register to the Lobby through our website in 3 simple steps.

1. Click on this link
2. Pick your Membership
3. Pay Online

After finishing your payment, we will contact you to the email/mobile given in the form.