The international economic lobby, headed by Dr. Ali Al-Masri, is at the forefront of Lebanon’s economic front, as the first value in the success of any economic project is the wise and mastermind person. The economy is not just the establishment of a bank and the construction of a factory. Rather, it is before that the construction of a person and the mobilization of social energies in a project driven by a civilized administration, such as the international economic lobby, which It was distinguished by the founder of the lobby, businessman Dr. Ali Al-Masry.

And the lobby's last work is a Turkish exhibition in Antalya, where it invited 65 businessmen from the lobby from Lebanon and the Arab world. The exhibition included household and electronic appliances, and building materials. All attendees were provided with lunch and dinner, in other words, an open buffet.

There is no doubt that the lobby was able to achieve in light of this economic weakness as well, distinguished by its ability to advance and endure despite the fragility surrounding it, to carry the banner of the economy and to be a mirror that reflects the reality of Lebanon.