The lost homeland

Lebanon fluctuates between the corruption of the politicians, the collapse of the economy ,  the corona pendemic that destroys the country, the banks that seized the people's money ,the dollar and its fluctuations, and the failure to form a government of rescue and the lebanese revolution, the poverty that affected most Lebanese families and the pollution that is the highest among Arab countries.
The list goes on, and the homeland and the citizen live in an unprecedented loss, all of this proves that we are at the bottom of the crises.  We are now in the worst stages that the nation and the human being can live, but what after bad days - peace  and what after the collapse - prosperity. Therefore, we must remain full of hope and desire To live and not be defeated. The Lebanese people are known for their patience, strength, determination, and desire to build a nation that unites all Lebanese from all sects and classes. 
Together, we are the only ones who can save the homeland. Lebanon is not a poor country, but rather a corrupt nation that has been dominated by corruption for years and most countries have interfered with it to eliminate it.
In our country, there's geniuses minds that are the reason for the development of many countries in the Arab and Western world, and these minds are the ones who saved the world's largest companies.  we the people must join hands and strive to develop the homeland and bring it to a safe haven. The Lebanese people have faith in the homeland  and will never abandon Lebanon and its land.

Written by Dr. Ali Al-Masry
Founder and head of the global Arab economic lobby
Founder and President of the International Economic Lobby