Dr. Ali Al-Masry, head of the International Economic Lobby, said that the crises we are experiencing have proven that all the countries that were helping Lebanon or offering assistance are watching the Lebanese scene and they are not to blame. The reason is that it is no longer a secret to anyone in the world that the Lebanese crisis is caused by corruption, politicians, leaders and all parties have participated in what we have reached, and there is no longer anyone who's ready to lend us a helping hand.
Aid presented to the Lebanese side is translated into deals immediately. Our corruption has become not hidden from anyone, and the solution today is in the hands of the Lebanese people. Every group is rising up against its surroundings. It changes and replaces its leader, and declares its loyalty to the homeland. The parties are no longer useful, and the leader is no longer useful. Without a homeland, we are all doomed, so save Lebanon from the hand of corruption and save yourselves from the coming mass destruction.