The President of the International Economic Lobby, Dr. Ali El-Masri stated that in Lebanon we live in a country of wonders. Those who sold the country, abandoned our youth, stole our money, destroyed our economy, and left us living without water, electricity, medicine, or food, made the country without security and stability, fought the judiciary and plundered the nation’s goods. Today they are calling for chastity and honor, and again their electoral programs Their false promises rise above the pulpits, and it is also funny and weeping when we see the names of the independent candidates or those who call themselves the saviors of the country, then we know without hesitation that they will destroy the country.
There is no hope in Lebanon, and there will be no expected change in these upcoming elections, and there will be no tomorrow that we aspire to as long as the same faces are candidates for the elections. The result is known in advance.
Yes, we need a miracle to build Lebanon again. It needs conscience and honesty. It needs transparency, sincerity, and love for the country. It needs people who are keen on Lebanon, so that the outcome will be different. Corruption, theft, and nepotism do not build a homeland, and the political parties quarrel among themselves and tighten sectarian and sectarian nerves do not build a homeland.
The abolition of sectarianism, the election of the President of the Republic by the Lebanese people, and the declaration of Lebanon as a single district, meaning that every Lebanese can give his vote to anyone other than his religion, sect and place of soul. Only then will change begin, and only then will a nation be built with the help of honorable sons who are keen on Lebanon, not with people who exploit Lebanon, its goods and its people.
In conclusion, with the solidarity of a large part of the Lebanese and declaring their loyalty to the leader instead of the homeland and with a complacent people who reject change and to build a better country, I can only say yes, we are not in a time of miracles. Keep an eye on our dear homeland Lebanon.