#A call to those who have a conscience...


#Lebanon is in danger.


The President of the International Economic Lobby issued

Dr . Ali Al-Masry made the following statement:


The collapse in Lebanon has reached its climax. The economy is at the bottom of the abyss and it’s decreasing. Tourism does not exist. Security is unknown. The country has invisible features.  The people are in a lost whirlpool, not knowing where their destiny is. The reason is that we did not raise the voice. We did not take the initiative to say no to error, nor to corruption, nor for sectarianism, we did not help the state, but each of us helped a leader to reach the chair, and here is the result, the votes were paid for, and for this reason in our country, everything is permissible.


We are waiting for the summer for the tourists to come and the economy spinning, but we are surprised that the streets of Lebanon are filled with waste, bad smells and microbes. Lebanon is pervaded by a complete blackout of electricity, a fabricated crisis in medicine, a cut in fuel, and worst of all, the Lebanese media publishes everything that is bad in Lebanon on television to expose and destroy the country more.

We, as Lebanese, have to reconcile with ourselves and stand together with one heart and one goal, and that is the fate of Lebanon, the fate of our children, the fate of this country, which because of us has reached what it is, and here we are paying the price.


We, as Lebanese, have to learn from our past experiences and be aware that this country cannot be governed by one faction and one color cannot control it forever. This country is governed by all its factions and sects. Lebanon is much larger than its size. Lebanon is greater than we all imagine. Lebanon is greater than all its parties and leaders. Lebanon is our homeland; we are the honorable Lebanese who are keen on the survival of Lebanon for the sake of the citizens. Lebanon is the collector and the incubator. Lebanon is the one who heals its wounds and the wounds of others.. We have to unite as Lebanese. We have to face the difficulties that are going through the country and its people. A rescue government that manages the affairs of the country, pulls it out of the void, and puts in place solutions and reforms to gain the confidence of the international community again, so that there is a satisfactory result for the future of this country and its children. We must think for a moment about Lebanon before our personal interests, because we will not be able to live without a homeland.