The Lebanese army nation fences

Issued by the founder and head of the international economic lobby, Dr. Ali Al-Masry made a statement that stated the following:

The Lebanese army nation fences Issued by the founder and head of the International Economic Lobby, Dr. Ali Al-Masry made a statement that stated the following: All the Lebanese, from older to younger, are united by the love of the nation and the love of the Lebanese army, which for us is the dignity of Lebanon and its people, and today more than ever, our army proves the extent of its keenness on the security of the the nation from all the strife and stalking of our beloved Lebanon, We bow to our valiant army, to which we offer all support and loyalty, and stand by it with all the steps it takes to protect Lebanon and its people from brutal terrorism and anyone who seeks to tamper with the security of this nation. We ask the Almighty God to have mercy on the martyrs of the Lebanese Army. We offer from the Armed Forces Commander, General Joseph Aoun, from the Directorate of Tujih, and from the families of the martyrs, with our sincere and heartfelt condolences. We ask them for mercy and that God protect our Lebanese army. Dr. Ali Al-Masry Founder and President of the International Economic Lobby Founder and head of the global Arab economic lobby Founder and Chairman of the Lebanese Chinese Business Council.