The International Economic Lobby and the Lebanese Chinese Business Council achieve great success in the China International Electronic Exhibition - Dubai


After long cooperation between the International Economic Lobby and the Lebanese Chinese Business Council and the Meirontal Trade Exhibitions Organization, which operates under the auspices of the Chinese government, during the month of August, the China International Electronic Exhibition - Dubai, which was held from the date 07-28-2020 until 18-08-2020, held meetings. There are more than a hundred and fifty Arab companies with Chinese factories through the Zoom program and we have achieved commercial, and we have brought together Chinese factories with suppliers from around the world who are members of the International Economic Lobby and the Lebanese Chinese Business Council .


The exhibition featured the following products and specialties:

Food - Agricultural - Industrial Equipment - Electrical Tools - Solar Energy - Clothes and Shoes - Beauty Tools - Medical Treatment - Carpentry and Furniture -


Chinese translators have also attended to translate between Chinese companies and factories of various languages.

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