The International Economic Lobby invites you in cooperation with the Embassy of India in Lebanon & Federation of Indian Chambers & Commerce and Industry (FICCI) To participate in the electronic communication platform for medical specialties.

Virtual Healthcare & Hygiene Expo 2020 – which will be organized from 22nd – 26th June 2020.


FICCI is committed to support and help Business houses and manufacturers so that they generate business and the international trade also gains momentum. FICCI Team is working towards this and we are pleased to announce country’s largest Virtual exhibition & Conference i.e.

Virtual Healthcare & Hygiene Expo 2020 – which will be organized from 22nd – 26th June 2020.


The Focus Sectors of the Exhibition are:

  • Pharmaceuticals, Pharma Machinery & Technology
  • Medical Devices
  • AYUSH & Wellness
  • Medical Textile
  • Hygiene & Sanitization

The Key highlights are:

  • 5 Dedicated Exhibition Halls for each of the focus sectors
  • Sector specific webinars
  • Pre-Fixed B2B Meetings
  • Free to attend exhibition for the Visitors,
  • Innovative product display options
  • The participants can have an immersive experience of participation and can interact with their buyers from the comfort of their home/office

For more information, kindly visit the website:

For visitors, kindly register online:

Date & Venue: Date: 22 – 26 June, 2020


For more information Lobby members: Mr. Goerge Keriakos: +961-3-384461

Indian Embassy commercial Sector Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta, Deputy Director, FICCI may kindly be reached at - MobileNo: +919873311557 - Email:;

Ms. Rana Zeitouni Head of Commercial Section 76-561806