The administrative body  in the International Economic Lobbyhad a meeting by the invitation of the founder of the lobby, Dr. Ali Al-Masry, on Saturday 23-01-2021 at twelve o'clock in the afternoon via the Zoom platform

Where each of the following participated in the meeting:
 - Dr. Ali Al-Masry is the founder and president of the International Economic Lobby
- Dr. Muhammad Farhat, General Coordinator of the Lobby in the People's Republic of China.
- Diamond member of the lobby, His Excellency Consul Muhammad Faqih.
- Mr. Antoine Abboud, President of the International Economic Lobby Club _ Hadath.
- Dr. Faten Abrash, General Coordinator of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Mr. George Kyriakos, General Coordinator for Lebanon.
- Dr. Mabrouk Mahmoud, Lobby General Coordinator in Libya.
- Mr. Joseph Khoury is a financial advisor in the lobby.
-Farah Al-Hamoud, General Coordinator of the Lobby in Palestine.
- Mr. Saad Al-Oraibi, General Coordinator of the Lobby in Algeria.
- Dr. Akram Radwan, Coordinator of Festivals and Honors.
-Mr. Zakaria Faham , media advisor.
- Mr. Darwish Zahran, External Relations.
- Dr. Peter Chaia's External Relations.
-Ms. Jumana Najjar, Public Relations.
- Mr. Ali Kazem, the Official Photographer.
-Mr. Alaa Hamdy, media advisor.
-Ms. Zikryat Mustafa, Media Consultant.
- Mr. Jihad Kousa, Administrative Assistant.
-Miss Rebecca Sleiman  public relations officer in the lobby.
-Ms. Layal Bou Rjeily, Public Relations Coordinator at the Lobby.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Ali Al-Masry, welcoming everyone, one by one, and he made the following points:
1- Activating the role of the lobby internationally and in the Arab world.
2- Joint cooperation in light of the Corona epidemic.
3- Postponing the election of an administrative body for the month of June.
He also stressed the importance and necessity of cooperation between the esteemed members of the administrative body and the members of the lobby to activate the role of the lobby in light of the current circumstances, and announced the postponement of the elections for the administrative body in the lobby for the month of June, and called on everyone to submit proposals for what is in the interest and development of the mechanism of work and the course of the lobby.

Then, Mr. Mohamed Fakih spoke about the role and importance of the lobby and wished to reactivate the role of the lobby as before under the circumstances and the ban that the world is experiencing from the Corona virus.

Dr. Mohamed Farhat talked about the necessity of continuing business under the circumstances of Corona, developing it and adapting to the situation in which we live, and he provided all support from the offices of the Alpha company in China to help businessmen to import
He also said that the projects and investments proposed by the members must take into account the management of the risks resulting from them to achieve their success and put forward the idea of ​​establishing a support fund for the lobby in various parts of the Arab world to complete the process.

Then, the lobby coordinator in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Faten Abrash, and presented the idea of ​​establishing and setting up a joint exhibition, Lebanese, Saudi, and Chinese
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through joint cooperation with the lobby, she has ensured the organization and visas for all those wishing to travel and participate in this exhibition.

-Captain Akram Radwan, coordinator of festivals and celebrations in the lobby, spoke about the necessity of joint cooperation between the lobby and the Lebanese club, honoring the personalities, and expressed his happiness for what the lobby is doing internationally.

- Then Mr. Joseph Khoury spoke and welcomed everyone and spoke about the role of the lobby in activating the economy and put forward several new ideas and its willingness to provide any possible assistance.

- In his turn, Mr. Antoine Abboud called for an administrative meeting to be held as soon as the quarantine period expires in Lebanon and stressed the importance of joint cooperation.

Then Mrs. Jumana Najjar continued and called for a monthly meeting of the administrative body to discuss means of cooperation.

- Then the Lobby Coordinator in Libya, Dr. Mabrouk Mahmoud for the importance of offering projects and investments in Libya, expressing his country's special situation, and his role and readiness.

- Mrs. Zikrayat Mustafa, and she expressed the importance of dividing the management team into three sections: the innovative section of ideas, the executive section and the implementation section.

- The Lobby Coordinator in Palestine, Mr. Farah Al-Hammoud, completed the mission and undertook the task of joining new members from Palestine to enlarge the Lobby family and called on all members to meet with the aim of meeting and getting to know each other.

- The General Coordinator of Lebanon, Mr. George Kyriakos, continued his speech by asking for mercy to the soul of the deceased Sheikh Saad Al-Najjar, a member of the lobby, and he expressed the successes of the lobby in 2020, especially the international Chinese exhibitions, and the renewal of all memberships for free for the year 2020 and stressed the activation of the role of clubs in the lobby and securing new memberships and thanks the Relations Division Public for her role and hard work.

Mr. Alaa Hamdi, the media advisor in the lobby, spoke about the necessity to publish the activities and news of the lobby internationally

- Then Mr. Ali Kadhim spoke and expressed the important role of the lobby in rebuilding the economy and the importance of supporting the Lobby Fund to complete the process.

- In his turn, Mr. Jihad Koussa expressed the economic situation in general and how Corona affects the paralysis of the economy and the blockage of the country and called for a regular meeting in Lebanon after the opening of the country.

- Then Mr. Peter Chaia spoke and expressed his readiness to present a study of projects, a mechanism and the time for their implementation.

- Miss Rebecca Sleiman , in turn, expressed her happiness and joy in her presence within the administrative body and her complete readiness to complete the march of the lobby.

- Then Miss Layal Bou Rjeily continued, welcoming everyone and happy with her new position and her readiness for any assistance that is requested from her.

In conclusion, the president and founder of the lobby thanked all the members of the administrative body for attending this hour-long meeting and thanked those who coordinated and organized this meeting.

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