The founder and president of the International Economic Lobby d. Ali El Masri said that we have always known in the world of finance and business that achieve the highest profits achieved when the markets are unstable and crises are dominant and they are the master of the situation so we see big companies go bankrupt and small companies become at the top so what is the reason for that?


Lebanon is facing a golden opportunity because of the dollar's rise


The founder and president of the International Economic Lobby d. Ali El Masri said that we have always known in the world of finance and business that achieve the highest profits achieved when the markets are unstable and crises are dominant and they are the master of the situation so we see big companies go bankrupt and small companies become at the top so what is the reason for that?


The reason for this is that some large companies have high costs and costs and have not adapted to the changes quickly due to their large size and have not kept pace with the financial markets, so we find them going into bankruptcy or losses while the small companies found the gaps available to them under these difficult circumstances and set out to achieve their goals and did so and achieved profits Fictional.


Likewise, in our country, Lebanon today we see that politics destroyed the country and part of the people with the other part against and a large part of the people lived in a difficult economic and psychological stage and the dollar crisis caused a rapid collapse in salaries and companies and a negative impact on the citizen who has become this issue of the dollar the concern of all Lebanese from all Ages, even if most of them did not think about this before.


Today, Lebanon lives in collapse, and the reason is the high prices of goods and food, etc., but if we think positively, we will see that we live in an unparalleled opportunity. With the rise of the dollar, it makes us live in the golden age. Today, the value of one hundred dollars on the exchange rate of the lira has become equal to seven hundred thousand Lebanese pounds, which is a great opportunity for tourists to come. To Lebanon, they have become able to do a hundred dollars to do a lot. For the expatriate, Lebanon is a cheap country The problem of the dollar is present in our country only, but abroad their affairs are fine, therefore I invite all tourism and travel agencies and the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism to work seriously to market Lebanon tourism abroad, so our opportunity to enter millions of dollars may come from abroad that would bring about improvement in the miserable economic reality that Lebanon and its people live in. .